Radon Test Instructions

I am filling out the datasheet and it asks for a technician name and certification number. Do I need to fill that out?

No, if you are a homeowner and you are testing your own home.
Yes, if you hired a certified Radon technician to perform the Radon test for you. The technician should fill in the technician’s name and certification number.
Some states require a licensed radon professional to perform the test for a real estate transaction.
If you’re a professional radon tester please contact the Radon office in the states where you are testing in to see what radon testing protocols or regulations you need to follow.

I am filling out my datasheet and it asks if closed house conditions were maintained. What does that mean?

Closed house conditions means that all doors and windows in the entire home (this includes all attic & basement windows) were closed 12 hours prior to the start of the test and during the testing period. All exterior doors, except for normal entry and exit, must also remain closed during the test period.

The datasheet asks if foundation vents or any other permanent vents were open. What does that mean?

Foundation vents and permanent vents are found in the foundation wall of the house or building. They are in the basement to allow for air flow in and out of the area. This is most common if the basement does not have windows or if there is just a crawl space.
Crawlspaces have vents for proper ventilation. The purpose for the vents is to promote proper ventilation, to prevent moisture buildup, mold, mildew, and prevent conditions conducive to unhealthy air in the home.
Answering yes or no to this question on our datasheet will not invalidate your results. This question is for informational purposes only.

What is a whole house exhaust fan?

A whole house exhaust fan draws fresh air into a home or building and forces the hot air into the attic which is then exited through attic vents. A whole house fan can be installed in the ceiling of a home or building and its primary function is used as a cooling device.
This fan must not be on 12 hours prior to the testing and during testing.

What temperature and humidity ranges are acceptable?

You want to test under normal living conditions.
The temperature can range between 55-85 degrees and the humidity is acceptable up to 80 percent.
Our devices are not calibrated outside of these test conditions and AccuStar Labs cannot report a result to you.
When considering humidity in the home being tested always remember, the lower the better.
If you see any wetness or condensation in the area that you are testing you should not test until it dries out.

My datasheet talks about expiration dates. Do I need to start my test before that?

The shelf life for the LS Vials and the Charcoal Canisters are 3 years. The Alpha Track long-term tests are 2 years. If your datasheet and detector mention an expiration date you must end your test before that date. Any test closed after the expiration date will be invalid and you will need to purchase another device.

I've lost my return mailer or label for my radon test kit. Can I get another?

No. AccuStar does not send replacements for lost return mailers or labels. You can send in your test kit to the address shown on the data sheet. If you are unsure where to send your kit please contact AccuStar.