News & Events
Spruce Environmental Technologies Inc., parent company of AccuStar, receives a 2021 Excellence in Manufacturing Award at Polar Park in Worcester Massachusetts.
On Tuesday 9/28/21, Spruce Environmental Technologies Inc., parent company of AccuStar, received a 2021 Excellence in Manufacturing Award at Polar Park in Worcester Massachusetts. The Excellence in Manufacturing Award recognizes Massachusetts companies who continually improve production efforts, are employee focused and prevailed throughout the global pandemic. A special thanks to Massachusetts State Rep, Linda Dean Campbell who nominated and supported Spruce for this prestigious award.
Watch News Video that summarizes the day's event. Photographed below (left to right): Mark Fearis- VP of Engineering, Dean Tognarelli - VP of Operations, Massachusetts State Representative Christina Minicucci, and Danielle Caldwell, Director of Human Resources at Spruce Environmental Technologies.
AccuStar is growing and moving! Our PA Radon Laboratory is moving to a new, expansive location in March 2021.
We are pleased to announce that our AccuStar Pennsylvania location is expanding. We have outgrown our facility thanks to loyal customers like you and are moving to a new, larger location joining our RadonAway warehouse located at:
6915 Allentown Boulevard - Unit N
Harrisburg, PA 17112
To insure a smooth transition during our move, please plan ahead with all of your testing and analysis needs. Click here to see details.
Lung Cancer Advocate Rachael Drazan-Malmberg, the Minnesota Wild and Unite for a Testing Campaign for National Radon Action Month
WARD HILL, MA, January 2020 - Air Chek, a Spruce Environmental Technologies radon testing laboratory, has announced an exciting and unique radon awareness and testing campaign beginning in January, National Radon Action Month, and continuing into early April. The campaign brings together the NHL’s Minnesota Wild; former USA Women’s Hockey player, lung cancer survivor, and radon awareness advocate Rachael Drazan-Malmberg; and Air Chek. Click here for full news story
(Note: Read full article at

News 13 Investigates: The invisible danger of radon in schools
Asheville, NC, November 19, 2018 - Shawn Price, Director of Laboratories of AccuStar and Air Chek of Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. and former AARST President, was interviewed about the danger of radon in schools. Schools across the nation are failing our students and school staff by not addressing this issue.
Click here for full news story
Air Chek Joins AccuStar® Laboratories to Meet the Growing Demand for Devices Used to Treat for Radon, a Known Cause of Lung Cancer
Ward Hill, MA, September 27, 2018 – Radon is a hazardous gas that is found in homes, schools and other buildings throughout the world. It is recognized as a Class A carcinogen and the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. At the U.S. EPA action guideline radon level of 4 pCi/L, radon carries approximately 1,000 times the risk of death as any other EPA-listed carcinogen.
Saving lives by testing for and reducing the levels of radon in occupied buildings has long been the goal of Ward Hill, Massachusetts-based Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. and its RadonAway® and AccuStar® brands. RadonAway is recognized as the world’s leading manufacturer and distributor of radon fans and mitigation products, accessories and supplies. Since 1984, AccuStar has been highly regarded as a professional radon testing laboratory, nationally certified and NELAC-accredited for the manufacture and analysis of radon testing devices.
Spruce has announced the recent acquisition of Air Chek, a respected radon test device manufacturer located in North Carolina. Shawn Price, Director of Laboratory Operations at Spruce, reports, "The acquisition of Air Chek expands and enhances the choices of test devices we can offer to our customers, and add to the number of devices we can produce to meet the growing needs of an increasingly aware marketplace. Air Chek, founded in 1985, has sold millions of their patented radon test kits around the world, serving homeowners and radon professionals with same-day analysis and online availability of test results from its state-of-the-art, NELAC-accredited laboratory facilities. As a member of the Spruce family, Air Chek will continue to operate from its current facility."
Just last month, Spruce moved the AccuStar Massachusetts laboratory from its previous location in Medway to a new and expanded facility within the Spruce Ward Hill, Massachusetts campus. The new facility houses state-of-the-art equipment for manufacturing and analyzing AccuStar's short-term and long-term radon in air test devices, as well as radon in water devices. AccuStar has another laboratory facility in Lebanon, Pennsylvania.
Spruce Executive Vice President David Hill says, "We are excited to welcome Air Chek into our family of brands dedicated to saving lives through testing and mitigating radon."
AccuStar and RadonAway Products Featured in Boston News Report
On February 14, 2013 the Boston ABC-TV affiliate, WCVB, telecast a news report on radon. The report, which was a result of the recent "Capital Steps to Radon Action" CanSAR event at the State House in Boston, gave state and national radon statistics and included interviews with Capital Steps organizer Margie Lynch and David Rossinow, a home inspector and event participant. (For more details on the Capital Steps event, see the previous News post by scrolling down on this page.)
During this news segment, Rossinow explained radon testing methods and demonstrated the use of a continuous radon monitor, using a RadStar RS800 for his demonstration; an AccuStar LS air test kit was among the short-term tests shown later in the report. Toward the end of the segment the focus turned to radon mitigation, with the camera showing a portion of an installed radon mitigation system, including a view of the system pipe, where a RadonAway Dynameter u-tube manometer was clearly visible.
Click here to view this WCVB video.
Radon Action Month
Three Spruce Staff Members Participate in CanSAR "Capital Steps to Radon Action" Event in Boston
Advocates in Massachusetts gathered at the State House steps in Boston on Wednesday, January 30, to help promote radon awareness and action. This was the first time that Massachusetts supporters joined with advocates in other states to participate in the annual "Capital Steps to Radon Action" event organized by Cancer Survivors Against Radon (CanSAR), State Representative Kate Hogan met with the group on the steps to discuss the need for legislative action against radon. Among the Massachusetts group were three Spruce staff members: Melanie Gray and Tina D’Intinosanto of AccuStar Labs in Medway and Pat Everett, Marketing Services Manager for all Spruce brands.
The Massachusetts event organizer was Margie Lynch, whose mother Jean was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer in 2010, dying eight months later. Jean Lynch’s house in Stow was tested for radon after her death as part of the sales process. A measurement in the basement yielded results of 19.1 picoCuries/Liter, almost 5 times higher than EPA’s recommended Action level for radon. Lynch is committed to ensuring others don’t suffer a similar fate. “My mother loved her home so much, so it’s especially sad to my family that a simple test might have saved her life. I think most people, like my mother, are unaware that they may be at risk just from going about their daily lives.” Lynch and the other advocates will hand out information about radon and free test kits at the event. They also hope to elevate the issue of radon in the public policy dialog in Massachusetts, which currently has no radon regulations. By contrast, laws have just gone into effect requiring radon testing in day care centers in Illinois and in rental housing in Maine starting in 2014.
The event caught the interest of Boston’s ABC television affiliate, WCVB, which will air a news segment on radon testing and mitigation on February 14 and 15. One of the State House CanSAR advocates, David Rossinow of Highland Home Inspections, was interviewed for the show.
AccuStar attends, sponsors and exhibits at many conferences and trade shows throughout the year. Keep up to date with our recent news and upcoming events by frequently visiting this section of our website.
Radon in the News
Rossen Reports: Is your child breathing radon gas at school?
February 29, 2012 | TODAY
Officials say it’s in thousands of classrooms, but many districts are doing nothing
- Click here for full news story.
- Click here to read Statements from EPA and Congress about Radon Report.
Radon on the Dr. Oz Show - February 10, 2011
One of the biggest risk factors for lung cancer is colorless, odorless and may be in your home. Find out about radon and what you can do to minimize... Part 1 | Part 2